Adam Matta Projects and Updates

Friday, January 26, 2007

Video from Makeshift

This is a video that was part of my multimedia show at Here Arts Center. Hope you enjoy it.

Wednesday, January 10, 2007


Dear Folks,
I'm excited to say that I have been reviewed in the Village Voice, as part of the Culturemart Series at the awesome HERE Arts Center, where I've been a resident artist for the past year. The article, which is mainly about the space in general, but has a huge picture of my bike wheel sculpture in the print issue, is at,soloski,75489,11.html .
Check it out let me know what you think.
Sunday, I go to Ithaca for Beatbox Bard, looking forward to that. Then it's a gig with Sxip Shirey at Tonic, Feb. 13th, then down to Pennsylvania for the Millenium Music Conference, then Raleigh, NC, to the Exploris Museum, where I'm teaching a course in world vocal music mixed with beatboxing. Much afoot, stay abreast, many blessings,
btw, in February, I will be performing in New York State and Minnesota AT THE SAME TIME. That is, I'll be on stage in Ithaca, with Beatbox Bard, and then in Minnesota, my voice and beats will be heard in the simultaneous production of Marsupial Girl, a fantastic children's musical, written by Lisa D'Amour, and scored by Sxip Shirey.